last ace missing
Almost finished game #737 but the last ace is missing.
Everything but the last stack was removed.
All cards in that stack are in correct order: i clicked a queen to move to that king. If the ace had been in that stack it could not have moved. And i cant see it anywhere.
Theres nothing under that king: i moved that earlier from top of another stack.
The "hint" says theres nothing left. If the ace had been here then there should have been some hint.
So i tried "restart game" and chose different moves from the start and this time it finished the game. If this is the exact same game "restarted," then why didnt it work the first time?
So sometimes you have missing cards which make a game impossible to win! How many times has that happened in earlier shuffles and its impossible to see it? How many games did you force me to lose?
Wishing now i hadnt paid a pittance on a game that is cheating ME. Takes all the fun out of it it now. Think ill just remove your buggy game.
Pity i cant leave the screenshot here to prove the missing ace.
clewliss about
Spider • Classic Solitaire Card Game